Wednesday, March 4, 2009

7 Weeks

For seven weeks I have been intending to say something, anything, about the miracle of a mini-me who entered my life on January 14th. The hard part is not finding the time (I have been blessed with a baby who likes his sleep), it's finding the desire. Every spare moment I'm given I'd rather be gazing at my sleeping angel; walking through the neighbourhood with my little man in tow; kissing my husband for giving him to me; or curling up on the couch with my son snuggled deep into my chest. He will only be this tiny for a short time and I don't want to waste a second. So instead, I give you a montage of my last two months of bliss.

IMG_1734 Sweet, the day after he was born.

IMG_1822 What I do instead of blogging - watch my son sleep.

IMG_2138 Sweet, snuggling with Mommy.

IMG_2130 Family time.


Anonymous said...

I think I have something in my eye...


Namaste said...

very, very cool

dcpeg said...

What a doll!! I've always said "who needs TV when you have kids." There's just nothing like watching a little one grow and develop. You can almost see their brains absorbing information every minute! Congratulations on your new addition and for your wisdom in taking the time to enjoy him now!

Phil said...

Look at that last photo - already mugging for the it.

Congrats to you both.

Barbara said...

What a cutie! It's about time we get to meet him! Congratulations on having a baby that likes to sleep.

Anonymous said...

Perfectly understandable & yet also somehow overdue. But Congrats all around just the same! And sleepy babies? Godsend. Simply & truly. Cheers & Continued good fortue! 'VJ'